Tune in to the regular Superintendent's Update with #FZSupt Dr. Bernie DuBray. We're halfway through the school year! Checking in on achievements, work for semester two and music from student ensembles. Find the FORTiTUDE podcast wherever you get your podcasts or, check this episode here:

Enjoy your break. Classes resume Jan. 5.

Our Blue Notes form closes tomorrow. Click the button below and send a Blue Note of appreciation, celebration or thanks to a staff member at your school. It will close at 5 p.m., Dec. 14, 2022. We'll be delivering them beginning Dec. 16. Let's make some noise for our amazing staff!
CLICK TO SUBMIT YOUR BLUE NOTE NOW: https://forms.gle/Rk19cZ1vdL8S2ofC8

Our Blue Notes have been so popular with students, parents, guardians and the community that we want to give #FZCommunity the opportunity to celebrate staff each semester. So, in this season of thanks and giving, we’re opening our form up so you can send a special note to a staff member who’s special to you. Click the button below and send a Blue Note of appreciation, celebration or thanks to a staff member at your school. It will close at 5 p.m., Dec. 14, 2022. We'll be delivering them beginning Dec. 16. Let's make some noise for our amazing staff!
CLICK TO SUBMIT YOUR BLUE NOTE NOW: https://forms.gle/Rk19cZ1vdL8S2ofC8

Our Blue Notes have been so popular with students, parents, guardians and the community that we want to give #FZCommunity the opportunity to celebrate staff each semester. So, in this season of thanks and giving, we’re opening our form up so you can send a special note to a staff member who’s special to you. Click the button below and send a Blue Note of appreciation, celebration or thanks to a staff member at your school. It will close at 5 p.m., Dec. 14, 2022. We'll be delivering them beginning Dec. 16. Let's make some noise for our amazing staff!
CLICK TO SUBMIT YOUR BLUE NOTE NOW: https://forms.gle/Rk19cZ1vdL8S2ofC8

If you missed the latest update from #FZSupt, tune in now to the FORTiTUDE podcast.

Thank you #FZCommunity! Part 2!
Hope High students hosted their annual Empty Bowls celebration, serving up a a hot delicious dinner and unique, hand-crafted art to all who attended. The service project supported No Hunger Holiday and the food pantry Cornerstone Methodist Church.
Learn more about our students' service and traditions in the newest FORTiTUDE podcast: bit.ly/3A9JvJw

Thank you #FZCommunity! Each year you support our students as they work to ensure neighbors in need have a Happy Thanksgiving. Led by our high school students, they joined forces across the district collecting for No Hunger Holiday. Next week teams of high school students will join forces with volunteers of all ages to package meals for deliveries through No Hunger Holiday's many partner agencies. Learn more about our students' service and traditions in the newest FORTiTUDE podcast: bit.ly/3A9JvJw

Check out FORTiTUDE playlist #21stCenturySkills More on course offerings & student achievements in #FZSD Career Technical Ed pathways. Students, teachers, alum check in to discuss @PLTW, @SCCCaps, ZumwaltApprenticeships.com and more.
@MoEducation @GovMikeParson

Families & students interested in ZumwaltApprenticeships.com and #FZSD @USDOL program: Learn more TONIGHT. 5:30 p.m., 1158 Tom Ginnever, O’Fallon. @ZumEastHigh @ZumSouth @ZumWestHigh @FZN_Panthers @ZumHopeHigh #FZExploreWhat’sNext @MoEducation @GovernorMikeParson

Check out ZumwaltApprenticeships.com today! Informational meeting for families and students who want to learn more. 5:30 p.m., Nov. 3, 1158 Tom Ginnever, O’Fallon.
@ZumEastHigh @ZumSouth @ZumWestHigh @FZN_Panthers @ZumHopeHigh #FZExploreWhat’sNext @MoDESE @GovernorMikeParson

Interested in paid, hands-on work,& earning high school credit & FREE college credit? Check out ZumwaltApprenticeships.com Be at our informational event Thurs. @ZumEastHigh @ZumSouth @ZumWestHigh @FZN_Panthers @ZumHopeHigh

Checking in with FZS Industrial Tech and Engineering. FZ students can begin exploring woods, metals and mass media in seventh grade, but high school course offerings expand quickly. Students in the drafting pathway begin with the basics of creating mechanical or architectural drawings by hand and on industry standard software. Capstone projects can include professional certification in 3D Solidworks. Students in woods engineering begin with safety basics. Once proficient, Woods I students create a range of projects that introduce them to tools and techniques they can refine and apply to capstone projects in later courses. Metals engineering students begin with safety basics and, once proficient, create a series of projects that introduce them to tools and techniques they have the opportunity to master in higher level classes. Learn more about Industrial Tech and Engineering in our high school course guide and at ZumwaltApprenticeships.com.

Did you know #FZSD is an @USDOL Certified Apprenticeship Program? Learn more at ZumwaltApprenticeships.com
Or attend our special event, 5:30 p.m., Nov. 3 at 1138 Tom Ginnever Ave.
#FZExploreWhat’sNext #FZInnovate @ZumEastHigh @ZumSouth @ZumWestHigh @FZN_Panthers @ZumHopeHigh

In his monthly update, #FZSupt Dr. DuBray celebrates the many community events taking place across the district and the power of the connection between home and school. https://thrillshare.com/s/news-fzsd/scheduled_article/baf8f6a5511b6c6bfba8f0a3

Did you know #FZSD is a #USDOL Certified Apprenticeship Program? (L to R) Dan Claypool, CEO of Merric Millwork and Seating, Andy McHaffie, East High teacher and FZ Apprenticeship Coordinator, Dr. Patrick Brown, FZ Executive Director of STEM & CTE, and Dan Fitter, CEO of Quest Specialty Products, introduced the St. Charles County Council to the program at their meeting last week.
Over the past few years, FZSD has placed machinists, welders and cabinet makers into positions with local manufacturers. There are also opportunities for Mechanical Engineering Technicians. Students earn an hourly wage and can earn high school credit while working the 2,000 hours to earn a nationally recognized USDOL Apprenticeship certificate. Those who complete the program also earn 45 hours of credit from St. Charles Community College.
Learn more on this FORTiTUDE podcast: bit.ly/3AZLakf
Or at ZumwaltApprenticeships.com

#DigitalCitizenship week is almost here! Check out the progress of our Elementary Technology classes. They started by in 2016 by introducing students K - 5 to the basics, now they are working with every student as an author. Tune in here: https://www.fz.k12.mo.us/article/866169

Today the Hope High students and staff showed our appreciation for the best custodian around, Mr. Crowley. He does an amazing job and is a huge part of what makes Hope High School special.

The Hope High School Overall award winner. This award is given to the student who best represents Hope High School

Last Friday's Hope High School award winners. These outstanding students were chosen by individual staff members to be recognized for their achievements in class.